One tray for the entire SKY implant system

The OP Tray OT 100 enables you to handle and use all seven implant lines. It provides slots for drills and instruments of the SKY implant system including the new, ultra-short copaSKY implant system. 

Moreover, thanks to the compact size it is possible to clean the OP Tray in the thermal disinfector. As a result, you comply with all requirements of the current hygiene guidelines. You save space and make clear arrangement of the instruments easier for your assistant. 

SKY OP-Tray 100 Basic Kit

Upgrade Kit

Detachable drills

The detachable drill stops are arranged so that they can be easily taken up with the drill and fastened with one hand thanks to the cavities in the OP-Tray insert. The suitable drill stop can be easily and quickly checked with the ruler on the compartment for small parts (only optional in the new OP-Tray SKY OT-100).
The drilling depth is approx. 0.7 mm greater than the implant length. 

Cleaning process