
BioHPP copaSKY elegance abutments

copaSKY CAD/CAM restorations

Digital open systems

Digital CEREC

Fotos: PD Dr. Jörg Neugebauer, Landsberg am Lech, Germany

copaSKY uni.cone abutment

The short copaSKY uni.con abutment prevent biomechanically critical extensions in SKY fast & fixed restorations.

The secondary prosthetic components are the same for the SKY uni.cone abutment and the copaSKY uni.cone abutment. The prosthetics concept is also identical.

copaSKY abutment for bridges and bars

The copaSKY bridge abutment is a non-engaging abutment. The flat conical connection allows a compensation of an angulation of 20° between two implants. Therefore most bridges can be cemented already in the dental lab.

The restoration can be incorporated easily and fixed with the occlusal screws. The long conical connection is transfering the lateral and occlusal forces directly from the supraconstruction into the implant. Therefore the screw is protected against screw loosening and fracture.

copaSKY exso multifunctional abutment

copaSKY TiSi.snap prosthesis fixation

copaSKY Docklocs Abutments