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bredent medical GmbH & Co. KG
Weißenhorner Straße 2
89250 Senden (Germany)
Phone: + 49 7309 / 872-440
Fax: + 49 7309 / 872-444
E-Mail: info-medical@bredent.com
Internet: www.bredent-implants.com
bredent medical GmbH & Co. KG
Managing directors authorized to represent: Peter Brehm, Nils Brehm, Olaf Glück, Gerald Micko
Registration court: Amtsgericht Memmingen
Registration number: HRA 11274
Registered head office of bredent medical GmbH & Co. KG: 89250 Senden
Personally liable partner (general partner): bredent medical Verwaltungs- und Handels-GmbH
Managing directors authorized to represent: Peter Brehm, Nils Brehm, Olaf Glück, Gerald Micko
Registration court: Amtsgericht Memmingen
Registration number: HRB 12744
Registered head office of bredent medical Verwaltungs- und Handels-GmbH: 89250 Senden, Germany
Personally liable partner (general partner): bredent medical Verwaltungs- und Handels-GmbH
Managing directors authorized to represent: Peter Brehm, Gerald Micko
Registration court: Amtsgericht Memmingen
Registration number: HRB 12744
Registered head office of bredent medical Verwaltungs- und Handels-GmbH: 89250 Senden, Germany
Turnover tax identification number according to § 27 a of the Turnover Tax Law
DE 247337738
WEEE-Reg.Nr. DE 22730329
Responsible for the content according to § 55 section 2 RStV
Micko Gerald (see address above)
Online dispute resolution for consumers, participation in dispute resolution proceedings
(1) As a general rule, bredent medical GmbH & Co. KG is neither prepared nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings brought before a consumer arbitration panel.
(2) European Commission platform for online dispute resolution:
Programming and server operation / Host
Location Göppingen
imos Gesellschaft für
Internet-Marketing und
Online-Services mbH
Alfons-Feifel-Str. 9
73037 Göppingen (Germany)
Phone: +49 7161 93339-0
Fax: +49 7161 93339-99
E-Mail: info@imos.net
Internet: www.imos.net
Not all products have been approved and are available in all markets. If you have any questions, please contact
bredent medical GmbH & Co. KG or your sales partner.
1. Limitation of liability
The content of this website is being prepared with utmost care. However, the provider does not accept liability in respect to correctness, completeness and up-to-datedness of the information published on the website. The use of the contents of this website is at the user’s risk. Contributions by named individuals reflect the opinion of the author and not always the opinion of the provider. The mere usage of the provider’s website does not constitute
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This website contains links to third-party websites (“external links”). The respective providers are responsible for these websites. When including these external links for the first time, the provider of this site checked the external content for possible legal violations. The provider does not have any influence on the current and future presentation and on the content of the linked pages. Placing external links does not mean that the provider adopts the content referred to or linked to. It is unreasonable to expect the provider to constantly monitor external links for legal violations without specific indication thereof. If legal violations come to our knowledge, such external links will be deleted immediately.
3. Copyright and ancillary copyright
The contents published on this website are subjected to copyright and ancillary copyright laws of Germany. Each use that is not expressly permitted under the copyright laws and ancillary copyright laws of Germany requires the prior written approval of the provider or the holder of the copyright. This applies in particular to copying, editing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of contents in databases and other electronic media and systems. Third party contents and rights are labeled as such. The reproduction and transfer of parts of the content or complete pages without prior consent is not permitted and liable to prosecution. Merely copying and downloading for personal, private and non-commercial use shall be permitted. The display of this website in external frames is only permitted with written approval.
4. Privacy
The use of the contact data included in the imprint for commercial advertisement is expressly undesired without prior written authorization of the provider or unless a business relationship has already been established.The provider and all persons named on this website object to the commercial use and transmission of their data.
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In so far as special terms for specific uses of this website deviate from the terms set out under 1. to 4., noticeof such exceptions shall be expressly stated in an appropriate place. In this event, the special terms of use apply in each respective case.